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Friday, May 13, 2011

Chromium 101

When someone excessively craves sugar or sweets, there may be several explanations for it. Sometimes the body craves sweets because it needs a sugar boost. Other times, there is a hormonal reason for the craving, such as pre-menstrual syndrome. In addition, the body may crave sweets due to low adrenal function, abnormal blood sugar levels or even emotional reasons. No matter the cause, excessive consumption of sweets can be disastrous for health and for the waist-line. Vitamins may be used to naturally combat sweet cravings.


Add a chromium supplement to your diet. Chromium is a mineral that can be taken in pill form. The reason that it may reduce sweet cravings is that it balances blood sugar levels. As it lowers blood sugar, it also decreases cravings for sugar and sweets. The recommended dosage is 600 to 1,000 mcg per day. It should be taken in divided doses throughout the day and on a full stomach.


Take B vitamins. The most efficient way to supplement your diet with B vitamins is to take one B complex vitamin. B vitamins are effective in curbing cravings for sugar, because they provide a boost to the adrenal system. When the adrenal system is not functioning well, cravings for sweets often increase. Dosages depend on the brand and type of vitamin. Follow the instructions on the bottle and speak to your doctor about it as well.


Supplement your diet with magnesium. A deficiency in magnesium is another reason that the body might crave sweets. In particular, chocolate is high in magnesium. That may be one reason why people crave it. In general, the dosage for magnesium is three supplements per day. It may be adjusted depending on your needs or the directions on the supplement bottle.


Take a daily zinc supplement. According to Dr. Marcelle Pick, zinc may reduce sugar cravings, as it increases serotonin production. (Ref. 1.) A boost in serotonin lifts the mood and reduces cravings for sugar. As it can be problematic to consume excess zinc, consult a health care professional for the proper dosage information.


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