Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin at all, but something called a precursor hormone that is extremely vital and important to your body. Besides being essential in supporting the growth of normal cells in your body, it’s also helps in regulating your immune system to support your general health on an overall basis. If you have a deficiency of Vitamin D you could be at risk for many different health problems. This said, you may be surprised to learn, that the percentage of individuals who currently have inadequate levels of vitamin D, is close to 85%, according to professionals in the field.
The issue here is that the majority of people are completely oblivious of all the symptoms that are so commonly connected to vitamin D deficiency; thus, they dismiss or reproach other symptoms that could be your body trying to tell you something is not right.
* Fatigue or Low Energy
Diminished levels of energy and an overall feeling of tiredness, are many times, the first sign from your body, that there is a vitamin D deficiency. Most people ignore these feelings as symptoms and assume that their fatigue is due to stress or other situations and think that by avoiding stress or getting more rest that the problem will go away on its own.
Even as both of these symptoms could be connected to anxiety and other similar indicators, they usually serve as the body’s first sign of vitamin D deficiency.
Sleep Pattern Deviations
Deviations in sleep patterns are many times, overlooked, and are another sign of inadequate amounts of vitamin D in the body, which can likely be associated with stress. These irregularities can take many forms from constantly waking throughout the night to sleeping longer hours than normal and still feeling fatigued upon rising.
A person suffering from vitamin D deficiency may find themselves feeling constantly tired and barely able to keep their eyes open during the day. Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms should be solved as fast as possible.
* Getting Colds and Illnesses More Frequently
If your body has been lacking a healthy level of Vitamin D over a period of time, your immune system will weaken, making it difficult to defend your body from viruses and bacteria that cause colds and other types of illnesses. Even worse, if your deficiency gets to a severe level, you could find that you are sick more often than you are healthy, prompting repeated doctor’s visits as well as missed time at work or school.
* Joint Pain, Muscle Pain – and Even Weakened Bones
Vitamin D is an essential player in keeping your cells healthy, a deficiency may cause you to experience frequent bone fractures as well as repeated muscle or joint pains. Unfortunately, the severity of the muscle and joint pain experienced by people with a Vitamin D deficiency are often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia or other related disorders. With children the results of an extreme Vitamin D deficiency can be bowed legs or rickets.
* SAD or Seasonal Affect Disorder
Some people suffer from a deficiency of Vitamin D only during certain months of the year, prompting the disorder to be called the Seasonal Affect Disorder. This is an illness that generally impacts individuals residing in areas where sunlight is minimal during specific time periods throughout the year. Years ago, this condition was known as the midwinter blues, as SAD causes depression. However, when it comes to depression that’s directly related to a Vitamin D deficiency anyone can be affected no matter where they live, and there have been severe cases of depression that actually interfered with the normal functions of people’s lives.
Experiencing Mood Swings
Mood swings is another symptom that may arise in individuals lacking vitamin D. A person could feel great one day and too depressed to get out of bed the very next morning. They may be feeling totally confident and in control in one moment, and then suddenly unsure of themselves and angry just minutes later. Mood swings are both detrimental to a person’s life and affect the lives of friends and loved ones.
Research has shown that patients who suffer from a Vitamin D deficiency are also more likely to suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, Osteoporosis, an inability to lose weight, and even some forms of cancer. Furthermore, old charts that exhibit details about how much vitamin D is required to keep healthy are outdated and inaccurate, ranking well below the necessary levels of vitamin D to keep up optimum health.
The average individual is not obtaining an adequate supply of vitamin D, either from sun exposure, or vitamin D foods, according to research. So, it is wise to be aware of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency before it has a permanent affect on your health.
Source: fitnesshealthtoday.com
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