A stress fracture is a hairline crack in a bone that has experienced repetitive force against it, such as from running (which can cause stress fractures in the hip, tibia, ankle, or foot; those in the shin or foot are most common). Typical treatment is rest and applying ice to the injured area. Prevent stress fractures by wearing proper footwear and building strength and activity level over time; some stress fractures occur because an athlete increases his or her activity level too rapidly.
Fatigued muscles after a while aren't able to absorb the stress of a certain activity, so the bone begins to absorb the impact, resulting in a tiny fracture.
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons suggests how to help a stress fracture heal:
•Take a break from the exercise or activity that triggered the stress fracture. Generally, healing takes about six to eight weeks.
•If possible, limit yourself to light activity that doesn't cause pain for your particular fracture.
•Using a brace or shoe insert may help speed healing.
•Don't resume the activity too early, as re-injuring the area could cause an even larger, longer-lasting problem.
Source: Diana Kohnle, Catherine Holecko
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