Your body produces Digestive Enzymes that break down the food you eat into nutrients. These nutrients are then absorbed into your body through the small intestine.
When your body lacks these enzymes, it doesn’t digest properly, as a result, your body does not absorb the nutrients it needs.
A lack of enzymes, along with poor digestion can lead to an overgrowth of parasites, food allergies, unbalanced gut bacteria, constipation, indigestion, gas, bloating and other Digestive Health Issues.
Here you will find a list of enzymes and the benefits of digestive enzymes
Amylase (aspsergillus orzyne) : Responsible for the digestion of carbohydrates, amylase is an enzyme that breaks starch down into sugar. Amylase is present in human saliva, where it begins the chemical process of digestion. Foods that contain much starch but little sugar, such as rice and potato, taste slightly sweet as they are chewed because amylase turns some of their starch into sugar in the mouth. The pancreas also makes amylase (alpha amylase) to break down dietary starch into di- and trisaccharides which are converted by other enzymes to glucose to supply the body with energy.
Betaine HCL (betaine hydrochloride) : Responsible for the digestion of fats and proteins, betaine hydrochloride (betaine HCL) is an acidic form of betaine, a vitamin-like substance found in grains and other foods. Betaine hydrochloride is recommended as a supplemental source of hydrochloric acid for people who have a deficiency of stomach acid production (hypochlorhydria).
A deficiency of gastric acid secretion increases the likelihood and severity of certain bacterial and parasitic intestinal infections. Some research suggests that people with a wide variety of chronic disorders, such as allergies, asthma, candida albicans and gallstones, and acne do not produce adequate amounts of stomach acid.
Bromelain (pineapple) : Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme found in raw pineapple and aids in the digestion of protein rich foods. It is also a vegetarian alternative to animal sourced enzymes. (Benefits of Bromelain) Bromelain aids digestion by enhancing the effects of the digestive enzymes trypsin and pepin. It can also help to prevent heartburn by ease diarrhea, if either are caused by a deficiency of digestive enzymes.
Cellulase (aspergillus niger) : Responsible for the digestion of fiber, from fruits and vegetables.
Lipase : Lipase is responsible for breaking down lipids (fats) and the digestion of nutrients in the intestines. (benefits of Cellulase) This digestive enzyme is responsible for breaking down lipids (fats), in particular triglycerides, which are fatty substances in the body that come from fat in the diet.
Lipase and Lipase AN : help digest fats and oils. Undigested fats can cause weight gain, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Additionally, Lipase helps your body better utilize omega fatty acids.
Ox Bile Extract (ox bile) : Ox Bile Extract helps improves bile secretion which helps ease digestion. Benefits of ox bile extract include a possible reduction of gallstones, greater absorption of vitamin K, A, D and E and may be beneficial in treating liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.
Pancreatin : A combination of 3 enzymes, Pancreatin produced by the exocrine cells of the pancreas. It is composed of amylase, lipase and protease. This digestive enzyme mixture is used to treat conditions in which pancreatic secretions are deficient, such as pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis.(Benefits of Pancreatin) It has been claimed to help with food allergies, celiac disease, autoimmune disease, cancer, and weight loss. Pancreatin is sometimes called “pancreatic acid”, although it is neither a single chemical substance nor an acid.
Papain (papaya) : Responsible for breaking down proteins, papain is an enzyme present in papaya. The benefits of papain is breaking down meat fibers. It has been utilized for thousands of years in its native South America.
Pepsin : Pepsin benefits-helps digests protein, and stimulates the liver to produce bile. In the stomach, the enzyme pepsin functions to break proteins into smaller pieces. Because pepsin can only break the bonds next to certain amino acids, proteins are only broken into these shorter chains, and not digested all the way to amino acids. That must be done later, in the small intestine. Most digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs in the small intestine.
Protease (Carica papaya) : Responsible for the digestion of proteins, protease is responsible for digesting proteins in your food, which is probably one of the most difficult substances to metabolize. The benefits of protease is considered to be one of the most important enzymes that we have. If the digestive process is incomplete, undigested protein can wind up in your circulatory system, as well as in other parts of your body.
Phytase, Hemicellulase and Xylanase
specifically help with releasing fiber-bound minerals from plant sources.
Due to the high amount of processed foods in the North American diet, people over the age fo 35 can benefit from the daily use of digestive enzyme supplements.
Source: weight-loss-diet-tips-4-life.com
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