A good fitness program requires a healthy lifestyle, focus, and a good plan. Whether you want to lose the extra-pounds, or just stay in shape, these tips may help you reach your fitness goals.
Tip #1: Work out regularly!
Always remember that it is more important to have a quality workout than to have a long one. However, you should try to progressively increase the time spend working out from twenty minutes to an hour. You can work out harder when you`re full of energy.
Tip #2: Combine the exercises.
Make sure that your fitness workout covers all muscle groups. The fitness program should include cardio exercises like aerobic, jogging, stepping, climbing stairs, or rope jumping. Lifting weights and stretching exercises are also a good option. Don’t overwork yourself: at the end of the workout you should feel full of energy, not stressed and exhausted.
Tip #3: Try new exercises to avoid routine.
Once you`re familiar with some of the fitness exercises, why not try others? Maybe you`ll enjoy them more. For instance, the Pilates exercises help you work on your belly in a different way; or, you may want to try Tae-bo or kickboxing instead of aerobic.
Tip #4: Adapt to your environment!
Try and adapt your workout to your environment. You can find a way to exercise no matter where you’re working out: at home, in the park, or at the gym. Don’t find excuses not to exercise regularly!
Tip #5: Have a balanced diet!
Besides working out, you also need a healthy diet if you want to lose weight. No matter how hard you work out, if you don’t eat unhealthy you won’t see the results you expect. Also, count the calories in your meals and make sure you don’t eat more than you need to maintain or lose weight. If your net calorie consumption – including those you burn when working out – is higher than your daily requirements, you will gain weight even if you work out.
Tip #6: Ask for help!
Always seek help from a fitness trainer and a dietitian who can recommend you a personalized diet. Having a specialist who supervises, supports, and motivates you helps you stay on track with your fitness or weight loss plan, and avoid making costly mistakes.
Tip #7: Create a healthy environment around you
Clean up your fridge of “prohibited” foods and stuff it with fruits, vegetables, and yogurts! Stop smoking, or hanging out in places where a lot of people smoke. Ask your spouse or significant other to smoke outside – or preferably not at all! It’s healthy for both of you. Don’t drink too much, and don’t sleep too little. Fitness is not just about working out; it’s about living healthy, in a healthy environment.
Tip #8: Stay close to people who are motivated.
To achieve your goals, share them with others who’ve gone through the same experience. Most people are happy to help. Learn from their mistakes, learn what’s worked for them, and stay close to motivated people. Positive thinking is contagious!
Tip #9: Keep moving!
Try to walk more outdoors, or better yet in a park, during sunny days. Jog with a friend in the morning or during lunch break at work, or walk the dog more often. Find time to do work around the house. Always try to add physical activity to your life.
Tip #10: Remember that fitness is a step to a healthier lifestyle!
Try to make some time for a fitness program in your schedule and enjoy all its benefits. A fitness program and a healthy diet are a successful recipe for a healthier life.
Source: Project Weight Loss 2008
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